when my baby is no longer a new born

When does newborn stage end?

By: evelyn parkar * Updated 21 August 2024

Hey, lovely parents, congrats! Accept the congratulations on the arrival of two little feet into your life. A newborn baby adds to the busyness of your life but also creates many memories for you. From their first day to their first word, their first dress will make your life memorable and more responsible than before.

Spend time with your baby in the early days; it’s hard for him to adjust to this world outside of your womb. Your newborn baby wants your touch. Hire a helper and spend this time with the baby.



Imp to know

 Your baby is no longer a newborn until the first four weeks after birth, this is also good news for all the parents that your baby is growing.


This time is difficult for us as well as our newborn baby, and he is trying to adjust to this world. This infant stage consists of the first four weeks. You must have noticed that your baby is physically very fragile, and, at the time of the first baby, I could not even hold my baby properly for a few days. The baby is so delicate that in the beginning, one feels scared even while changing its clothes. If you are also feeling like this, don’t worry; you will become an expert in a few days.

Right now, the baby is entirely dependent on you for all his food and drink needs, so he uses signals like hunger, crying, or tiredness to communicate his needs. The senses of smell, taste, and touch of newborn babies are still developing. They also recognize the mother by her special smell. They are trying to recognize the faces and voices around them. This change is new for you as well as the newborn baby.

give your baby your touch

I can understand that it is difficult in the beginning when your physical condition is not good, the weekends after delivery, the pressure of housework, and taking care of the baby. Take a friend’s help to understand your baby’s food and needs. Being a parent is a learning process. You should understand that your child deserves your full attention, his growth stage has started, and it includes sucking his lips, making fists, and putting them in his mouth in a state of hunger. These are signs that they want your attention and affection. In this stage, you begin to bond with your child. No matter what, you will learn gradually from this article, and I am very excited to tell you when your baby is no longer in the newborn stage and has grown.

So, let’s get started!

welcome 2 little tiny feet on your home

Signs your baby has outgrown the newborn age


A four-week-old or one-month-old baby comes out of the newborn stage. I will tell you the vital signs, which you can easily guess. But remember that every child’s growth rate is different.


  • More alert than ever

You will see some alertness and agility in your baby. You will see that after a month, the eyes of the baby will follow you for some distance. Their eyes will be fixed on the bright and dark colors of many colors. I used to hold my baby’s hand during this stage, put my eyes into his eyes, and talk. Those were priceless moments.


  • A break in sleep

You will feel that after a month, your baby will wake up more than before. It will seek to talk to you and learn about your surroundings. I noticed that I had to stop at my in-laws’ house from work, and my baby was looking at the room’s ceiling and was restless. It revealed the concept that children become familiar with the things around them. New parents need to know about baby’s waking window by age.


my babies engagement around the things

  •  Create a bedtime routine

This is the perfect time to set your newborn baby’s routine. His sleep cycle creates a great impact on his health, mood, and development. you should fix your child waking window and provide them a great time.


  • Development turning point

This stage is the most interesting. At this stage, the baby recovers a little and begins to lift its stomach, reach for objects, smile, and babble, demonstrating its physical development and cognitive abilities. and recognize some specific soundsIt is the precious time when you work on kitchen or laptop and you hear your babies babbling. and you want to play with your children, engage them with healthy activities and play according to their age. you know babies have 6 stages of play in child development and its easy for you to play them according to their interest and age.


  • Motor control

In this stage, babies begin to take their hands into their own hands intentionally. Curiosity and engagement in the surroundings. they loove to explore the world by touching them. In this stage, the baby’s interest in things around him will increase. His interest in touching things will increase. Give a balloon and see how they will move their feet and hands by moving it around and try to put everything in their mouth .


  • Dietary changes

As the baby grows, the food also changes. After some time, you can give solid food to the baby. Try to give them a organic food like avacado, cherry and sweet potato puree my babies love all these purees so I carry these puree while traveling and give them when they refuses to sit and hate car seat. For this, contact a pediatrician.


  • Socializing

As a baby is a month old, you will see many changes in it, it will respond to your voice and your father’s voice. You talk to the baby at this stage and reply to his yes, if the weather is moderate, put him in the car seat and take him to the park, he will be friendly with the environment and thus he will emerge as a confident person. read our article about can you feed a baby in a car seat.


  • Take care of yourself

In all this, you must take care of yourself. Keep yourself busy with good activities. So, feel fresh. And when both of you are fresh then the baby will be raised in a healthy environment. Spend time with your partner, family and friends it can refresh’s you from the hectic routine of first some days.

we are taking our baby to the park to create our bond strong



Being a parent is the sweetest relationship in the world. Try to make this time memorable with your baby. Enjoy every moment. A one-month-old baby comes out of the newborn list. Until then, try to improve his bond with you. But remember that every child is different, from the newborn to its next stages, you will need a lot of understanding and patience. Keep in touch with the pediatrician from time to time about your baby’s condition. And enjoy your baby’s little growth.


How long is the newborn phase?

According to the World Health Organization, the newborn stage lasts 28 days to 3 months.

What are the most challenging weeks with the newborn?

The first 6 to 8 weeks of the newborn stage are difficult not only for the children but also for the parents. It includes body changes, changing sleep cycle, difficulty in relationship with family and partner, responsibility of a child which makes the first 6 to 8 weeks difficult for parents as well.

Why is my baby aggressively eating hands at 3 or 4 months?

A few days ago, while researching, I came across Altman’s quote that hand-sucking is part of his development. And that it is a beautiful way for him to entertain himself. When my babies reach the age of three months, they look at my face and their hands very carefully and suck. But this is not only entertainment, but if you feel that your child is sucking his hand more, it is also due to lack of nutrition. And children still suck their hands a lot when they are hungry. As a mother, you will understand with time.

What age do babies say, mama?

Newborn babies begin to reach you during the first four months. Because their vision can take a year to improve, and by the age of 8 months, your children can recognize you anywhere in the room.You must wait a long time for your baby to call you mama. Baby says proper mama till 12 months of age. Before he starts babbling and body talk, he starts saying small words. He starts shaking hands and clapping hands.

What is the expected behavior of a 2-month-old?

There is a lot of difference between the movements of a first-day baby and a two-month-old baby. A two-month-old baby is already active to some extent. He smiles more than before and sometimes opens his eyes when you speak. The facial expressions of a two-month-old baby become more apparent than before. And they get enough grip on their head and neck.

Can teething start at two months?

The average age of teething in children is six months. But many children start teething even from 2 to 3 months. And when my sister was born, she had one tooth in her jaw.

At what age do babies get control of their hands?

By the age of 4 months, children can gain control over their hands to such an extent that they can hold the object of their choice and take it to their mouth.

At what age will the baby clap hands?

At the age of 8 or 9 months, babies start clapping hands.

What is the most common first word a baby says?

Babies speak the first words mama and dada at 13 months.

Why is my 3-month-old drooling and chewing on their hands?

Your three-month-old baby is constantly chewing and drolling his hands, indicating that your baby now needs solid food.

Why is my three-month-old drooling and chewing on my hands?

Lay your baby on his stomach and massage his back with light hands from top to bottom towards the legs. And after tummy time, give the baby a snack.

What is a good schedule for 1-month-old?

A one-month-old baby should be fed once every three to four hours. Please don’t feed your baby after one hour; I saw many women feed their newborns after half or one hour, and the baby spits out badly. This behavior produces a lot of gas and stomach problems.

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