when a baby hates car seats

When a baby hates car seats? Reasons and solutions

By: evelyn parkar * Updated 21 August 2024

Hey, lovely mommy, Does your baby hate a car seat? And driving has become difficult for you?

It annoys, when the baby cries while sitting in the car seat, and even the most short journey becomes difficult.

The same thing happened to me. After researching and spending time, I bought the car seat enthusiastically and was excited about the journey. Oh, when I sat the baby in the car seat, he started crying non-stop. And I was shocked and worried about what had happened to my baby, why he was crying. Baby he did not stop crying in the car seat, even if I give him any kind of  entertainment.

I hope you feel me!

And I thought, no problem, children will do the same at first. But I wanted to cry myself when he used to cry like that every time. And then everyone started giving sincere advice, but that, too, was of no use. And as soon as I sat him in the car seat, my baby started crying and refuse to sit in the car seat.

And I kept comforting myself that with time baby will get used and stop hating car seat. But Baby proved me wrong. And the crying continued until I took some steps.

It was so frustrating for me; I couldn’t imagine driving long distances with the baby somehow in the car seat because the trip to Walmart alone would be difficult with the baby crying in the car seat.

I used to go, and to silence a crying baby while driving is no less than a gesture. And because of all this, my attention was not focused on driving. According to NHTSA, 3,308 lives will be lost in 2022 due to distracted driving.

Which was a serious thing. I could not even leave the baby home alone because my husband was out of town for work those days.

So, if your baby also hates the car seat. And if you’re finding driving difficult, don’t worry, my lady. You’ve come to the right place. By following one of the methods I have mentioned below, you will find a solution to your problem.

And if you’re wondering why your baby hates the car seat? What are the reasons, and what is the solution. So, stay with me, I will cover all this in this article.

So, let’s get started!

 What to do if baby hates car seat?

First, as parents, we must understand that every child is different. If your colleague’s same age baby is happy in a car seat and yours is crying, then accept that there must be a reason behind his crying.

And my baby loved to sit with me in the driving seat and hold the steering wheel instead of sitting in the car seat.

my baby loves car staring whee

All we have to do is understand our baby’s problems and remove them, and then the journey that was difficult before, will become a pleasant memory. Solving problems is very important for the safety of your little one.

  • Check car seat fitting

The main reason I found was the car seat not fitting properly; as soon as we noticed the baby, we didn’t see the wrong fit of the car seat, and the reason the baby was crying was not the strap, which is bothering the baby. we had not taken the car seat of any of our friends, which had expired, and the baby was uncomfortable in it. So read this article on when do car seats expire.

  • Too hot or too cold

In my experience, the second reason babies hate car seats is because the back seat is too hot or too cold. Before sitting in the driving seat, check the temperature after sitting your baby in the car seat for a while.

If it’s summer, baby corsets have pads and harnesses attached to the straps that increase the heat. Turn up your car’s rear or front vents to keep the baby in the back cool weather. Whether it’s hot or cold, control the temperature after you fit the baby in the car seat. You will see the baby crying less.


  • Check baby’s Gas problem

A gas problem could be one of the reasons your baby hates the car seat. Like adults, babies can also get motion sickness.

You have to find out if your baby’s stomach is calm or full. If the baby is constantly rocking in his car seat, then his stomach may be hurting due to gas, and he is potty. Check the baby’s diaper once. But don’t force them here are some signs that your child is not ready for potty training.

  • Seperation anxiety

We are the whole universe to our baby, and they don’t like to be away from us even for a second; they need us (parents) all the time. Have you noticed that when the baby is alone at home, and you sit him on the couch for some time and even go to the washroom, he starts crying?

It’s the same with the car seat; he cries when he’s alone in the back, and you can’t see him. For this, you should install a mirror so that your baby can see you from the rear seat. And you talk to him so that he does not feel alone in the car seat.

  • Cry for freedom

Children are restless and prefer to avoid sitting in one place for a long time. They keep trying to jump or catch things.

In such a case, what child would want them to have a bond? One of the main reasons why a baby cries is because he doesn’t like to be tied up. If your trip is long, take the baby out of the car seat for a while, stop the car, and give him some fresh air. It will refresh him for the trip again. sing some songs, poems and play some music in your car or in tablet but on a proper sound and you want to know which type of sound and stories you should play on tablet or tv in your car for your baby. 

I have told you the problems, and now I am sharing some of my experienced baby-calming tips, which you will not find online.

Tips to calm down your baby when he hates car seat

these are the tips by using them I am sure you want to stop crying your fussy child. Car seat actually a greatest invention in the history we need to know some tips and techniques to calm our babies.

  • Use fragrance

To keep your baby calm, use a good oil-based, alcohol-based perfume only in the car. As for my baby, I like lavender oil. You can also use it in a light , according to your choice.

  • favorite toy

Buy a couple of comfortable or hanging baby toys. Give these toys to the baby only when sitting in the car seat; for the toys, the baby will be excited to sit in the car seat. But don’t allow them to put these toys in their mouth, sometimes babies try to put everything in their mouth.

my baby relaxes while listening soft music and when i use fragrance

  • Play songs

Play some soft music or baby music of your choice (Baby Shark) but keep the volume low so that the baby is calm and you can drive comfortably.

  • Give them snacks

I buy organic snacks for my kids, like banana and sweet potato puree. My babies love cherry purees, and they get these while sitting in their car seats. It is the best tip for silencing babies from crying for some time.

  • Bear it and smile

If your baby still cries after applying everything, then here is your test, tolerate his crying and smile. And check your babies sleep cycle to see if there is any disturbance in his sleep that is why he is crying while sitting in the car seat. And fix his sleep cycle.


Imp to know

 It is very important for you to know that no matter how much your baby cries to free himself from the carset, do not loosen the straps at all so that the baby cannot be protected.


I am sure that the above problems and tips will help you. If the baby is crying while sitting in the car seat, then there must be a reason behind it, we as parents have to find that reason. And if you think there is a serious problem, consult a baby doctor.


What do I do if my baby hates the car seat?

Children do not like to sit in car seats because they don’t want to be tied down. While traveling, sing some lullaby to the baby or talk to the baby so that he feels your presence. Babies cry not only because they are restrained but also because they feel alone in the back seat. So either have someone sit next to them or use your voice to make the baby feel your presence.

Is it normal for babies to cry in a car seat?

After the experience of three children, I believe that it is acceptable for children to cry in the car seat sometimes, but not all the time. A baby crying all the time while sitting in the car seat indicates that he is not comfortable in the car seat. You have to find out why your baby is crying.

How can babies stop crying in a car seat?

Keeping a crying baby in the car seat is difficult for parents. I am sharing the tried and tested experience of three children. Remove the car seat from the car and bring it home. And baby, sit in it for a while, get used to it, and play some music or a poem along with it. This will keep your baby in the car seat for a while. You will get used to sitting in a narrow place. And it will not be a problem for you while driving. And with repeated practice, he will be trained to sit in the car seat. But like every other time, I recommend reducing your TV use. And see very little in the room with the baby.

How can babies stop crying in a car seat?

Keeping a crying baby in the car seat is difficult for parents. I am sharing the tried and tested experience of three children. Remove the car seat from the car and bring it home. And baby, sit in it for a while, get used to it, and play some music or a poem along with it. This will keep your baby in the car seat for a while. You will get used to sitting in a narrow place. And it will not be a problem for you while driving. And with repeated practice, he will be trained to sit in the car seat. But like every other time, I recommend reducing your TV use. And see very little in the room with the baby.

What is the trick for carrying an infant car seat?

There are many ways to hold the car seat, but my method is to fold the elbow slightly towards your waist and place the handle on it. In this way, the car seat will be on the long side with the arms and back. And will not collide with those who come and go. And the other important trick is that you will stay energized, and I myself use it very often. Grab the car seat for your hubby.😜

Why do babies fit the car seat?

Children do not like to live in cramped spaces, and some are also fussy from a genetic point of view. They don’t want to sit in one place for a long time, and they find the car seat tight. That’s why I don’t like baby car seats.

Why is my baby scared of the car seat?

When children start sitting, they like to be independent from their parents’ arms. And in car seats, children have to sit in the same position for a long time, so they become anxious. And they are afraid while sitting in the car seat. The only solution is if you are on a long journey, take your baby out of the car seat after a while, feed them, and let them be in the open air for a while because we parents have to understand that we are the whole world for our child and he needs us at every moment.

What is the baby car seat syndrome?

The facilities should be used appropriately. Excessive use of any product is harmful. Similarly, making your baby use a car seat, stroller, or booster too much can affect their speech, social and active development.


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