signs that your baby is not ready for potty training

Signs that your child is not ready for potty training

By: evelyn parkar * Updated 16 August 2024

Oh, lady, are you worried about when your baby is ready for potty training? So, just ensure he does not go to school wearing a diaper. We, as parents, are in a hurry for potty training due to the increasing rates of diapers, which affects the budget very well. But there is a time for everything. And you can’t potty train an 8-month-old.
The correct time for potty training is 27 months. And even then, if you start, the baby will trend in weeks or months. If your baby is under 27 months old, forcing him to do potty training is not good.
You have to be patient while potty training. My baby was two months old, during which I was often angry and frustrated.
Before potty training your baby, you should know some signs that your baby is not yet ready for potty training.

1.Age is one of the important signs that your child is not ready for potty training

According to Johns Hopkins, babies between 24-30 months do not have control over their bowels and bladder.

John Hopkins explains in more detail that there is no benefit to being too strict on a 27-month-old toilet training completed earlier.

It is better to start potty training the baby from the age of 27 months so that it becomes a habit with time.

And at the time of admission to the playgroup, he should go to school diaper-free. After two years is the best time to prepare a baby for potty training.

At the beginning, make a sound or gesture to make your baby notice that it is potty time. By doing this, every time the baby hears that specific sound, the signal will reach his mind that it is potty time. And for potty training, I had set a time for my baby-like morning.

at that time i try to give my baby potty training but he is under than 2 years old, so i ws stopped and give my baby a warm hug

2.It is difficult for them to keepĀ  their diaper dry for 1 or 2 hour

As mentioned above, children under 2 years of age do not have bladder control and cannot keep their diapers dry for even 1 to 2 hours.

This is a major sign that your baby is not ready for potty training. And you have to sit and wait because every baby is unique, everyone’s natural system is different.

my baby was unable to dry his diaper for 2 hours


Many children hold their poo when they are potty trained, and the problem is made worse if they are already constipated. So if your baby is not doing soft poo and is using too much force while doing potty then stop for some time to give him potty training. If you potty train him during his constipated period, his bowel and stomach problems may arise.

4. Baby shows less interest in the toilet

Children are very fond of exploring the washroom and destroying the towels and toilet paper kept in it, and we believe that if the child is used to the washroom, he will not even bother to use it. But our hopes are dashed when our baby shows no interest in using the toilet.

My baby used to go to the toilet and tease things; the baby’s lack of interest in using the toilet is also a sign that you should wait for potty training.

look,my baby started playing with toilet commode

5.Children cannot remove their clothes.

You will only benefit from potty training once they can’t pull down their diapers or pants independently. Even if you make them experts in potty training, even if they can’t lower their clothes, in no time, their potty can come out in their clothes, because of which the children get scared and start crying.


Pro tip


Before potty training, you should teach and practice how to pull down pants or diapers.





mistakes you should avoide while potty training


One thing to remember about potty training is that it is like a bicycle. Once your baby sees it, he will never forget it, so don’t be too hasty and fussy. Give your baby time to understand the above science, according to whether they are ready for potty. Being strict with children will make your duck irritable.


How do you know if the child is ready to potty train?

According to experts, children should start potty training after the age of 27 months. I have experienced this in a way that children cannot pull their pants up and down until this age, when children start giving two-hour potty breaks in their nappies and when the child shows no particular interest in sitting on the toilet.

At what age would you be worried about a child not being potty trained?

I don’t understand why people associate potty training with children’s age. While potty training, a child’s health is according to his environment and his physical development. This is an achievement, but it does not mean that it should be linked to age. Children are usually ready for potty training by the age of 18 to 22 months. Toilet seats are also excited for how much. But this age is not a line set in stone. Most children are ready for potty training by age 3.


What happens if you wait too long to potty training?

Due to not doing potty training, children start wetting the bed, which damages their self-esteem. Apart from this, children who learned to potty train before the age of 3 have a 7% lower rate of constipation than children above three years of age.

What is the purpose of potty training?

Potty training aims to help children understand and respond to their toilet signals. They have to be taught to use the toilet set by making them understand the signs of urination and defecation.

Which gender is more accessible to potty training?

According to a survey, 35% of parents believe little girls are more accessible to potty train than boys. It has also proven true for me that potty training Mary was easier than John. Girls start speaking early, and their growth is faster than that of boys. But this does not mean that potty training boys is a complicated matter.

my girl is so comfortable to toilet use.

Why are parents delaying potty training?

Along with the facilities, parents have also become slower than the parents of 50 and 60 years ago. Disposable diapers are the main reason for delaying potty training. Fifty years ago, people used to wear cloth nappies, which got wet after some time, and their parents had to change them, which caused rashes and wetness. Therefore, parents quickly got their children potty trained to eliminate these nappies. And nowadays, parents are very aware of disposable nappies and children’s age and development.

What is the average time it takes to get on a potty train?

Potty training is a daunting task. In which children, as well as parents, are also under pressure. Potty training is not a two-day course that tells the child about the toilet seat once or twice, and the child will happily use the toilet seat the next time. it is not the case. A minimum of 6 weeks is required for potty training. And a proper baby takes six months to get used to it.

potty training takes time for 5 to 6 months

Can potty training early cause problems?

Early potty training in children is not a particular issue, but resistance and difficulty in using the toilet seat, which affects the behavior of children.

How do I get my stubborn child to potty train?

Getting a stubborn child ready for potty training is a difficult task. But make a schedule and follow it completely no matter what happens. Having your toddler toilet practice before meals, naps, or playtime is more effective. And overcome stubbornness.

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